Wednesday, October 1, 2014

How to install Snort with BASE & barnyard2 - Part II

Continuing with the last post Snort installation part I now I’ll explain how to install BASE and barnyard2. BASE (Basic Analysis and Security Engine) provides a web front-end to query and analyze the alerts coming from Snort. The alerts will send to a MySQL database, this feature is provided by barnyard2. Barnyard2 is an output system for Snort, it reads the binary logs from snort using the unified2 format and then it will resend the information of this logs to a database backend, for this We’ll configure Snort to output alerts to this format.

Install BASE dependencies

# yum install -y mysql-server mysql-devel php-mysql php-adodb php-pear php-gd httpd
# pear channel-update
# pear install Numbers_Roman

Preparing MySQL environment
– Initializing mysql and configuring to start the daemon at boot time:

# service mysql start
# chkconfig --levels 235 mysql on
– Preparing the new database for snort:

# mysql -u root -p

<pre>mysql> create database snort;
mysql> grant select,insert,update,delete,create on snort.* to snort@localhost;
mysql> set password for snort@localhost=PASSWORD('snortpassword');

Setup snort to log out in unified2 format

# vi /etc/snort/snort.conf

output unified2: filename snort.u2, limit 128
Installing barnyard2

# tar -xzvf barnyard2-1.9.tar.gz
# cd barnyard2-1.9
# ./configure --with-mysql
# make && make install
# cp etc/barnyard2.conf /etc/snort/
# mysql -u snort -psnortpassword snort < schemas/create_mysql
# touch /etc/snort/barnyard2.waldo
# chmod 777 /etc/snort/barnyard2.waldo
# chown snort:snort /etc/snort/barnyard2.waldo
– Edit barnyard2 configuration:

# vi /etc/snort/barnyard2.conf

config reference_file: /etc/snort/reference.config
config classification_file: /etc/snort/classification.config
config gen_file: /etc/snort/rules/
config sid_file: /etc/snort/rules/
input unified2
config hostname: localhost
config interface: eth0
config alert_with_interface_name
output database: log, mysql, user=snort password=snortpassword dbname=snort host=localhost
Adapting our init script to work with barnyard2

# vi /etc/init.d/snortd

[ -x $SNORTD ] || exit 5
echo -n $"Starting $prog: "
$BARNYARD2 -c /etc/snort/barnyard2.conf -d /var/log/snort -f snort.u2 -w /etc/snort/barnyard2.waldo -u snort -g snort -D
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && touch $lockfile
return $RETVAL
echo -n $"Stopping $prog: "
killproc $SNORTD
killproc $BARNYARD2
if [ -e $PID_FILE ]; then
chown -R $USER:$GROUP /var/run/snort_eth0.* && rm -f /var/run/snort_eth0.pi*
if [ "x$runlevel" = x0 -o "x$runlevel" = x6 ] ; then
trap TERM
killall $prog 2>/dev/null
trap TERM
[ $RETVAL -eq 0 ] && rm -f $lockfile
return $RETVAL
– Restart Snortd:

# /etc/init.d/snortd restart

Installing BASE

# tar -xzvf base-1.4.5.tar.gz
# cp -r base-1.4.5/ /var/www/base
# cd /var/www/base/
# cp base_conf.php.dist base_conf.php
– Edit BASE scripts configuration:

# vi base_conf.php

$BASE_urlpath = '/base';
$DBlib_path = '/usr/share/php/adodb';
$alert_dbname = 'snort';
$alert_host = 'localhost';
$alert_port = '3306';
$alert_user = 'snort';
$alert_password = 'snortpassword';

Configuring Apache

# vi /etc/httpd/conf.d/base.conf

Alias /base /var/www/base/
<directory "/var/www/base/">
AllowOverride None
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
AuthName "Snort IDS"
AuthType Basic
AuthUserFile /etc/snort/base.passwd
Require valid-user
– Generating password file for web access for BASE:

# htpasswd -c /etc/snort/base.passwd snortadmin
– Restart apache:

# service httpd restart

Accessing to the BASE web environment
and click create BASE AV

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