Edit hosts file entries on 3 servers:
# vim /etc/hosts chefserver.example.com chefwork.example.com chefnode.example.com
Chef server installation:
Download Chef server RPM package and install
# rpm -ivh chef-server-11.1.6-1.el6.x86_64.rpm
configure chef server
# chef-server-ctl reconfigure
check service status
# chef-server-ctl status
Chef workstation installation:
Download and install chef RPM package and install
# rpm -ivh chef-12.0.3-1.x86_64.rpm
verify package
# rpmquery chef
create chef directory
# mkdir /root/.chef
# cd /root/.chef
copy chef valication certificates from chef server
# scp root@chef-server:/etc/chef-server/admin.pem .
# scp root@chef-server:/etc/chef-server/chef-validator.pem .
# scp root@chef-server:/etc/chef-server/chef-webui.pem .
fetch ssl certificates
# knife ssl fetch
verify ssl certificates
# knife ssl check
configure workstation and details
# knife configure -i
verify client list
# knife client list
verify user list
# knife user list
Chef node installation:
Download chef package and install
# rpm -ivh chef-12.0.3-1.x86_64.rpm
# rpmquery chef
create chef directory
# mkdir /etc/chef
# cd /etc/chef
copy chef validation key from chef server
# scp root@chef-server:/etc/chef-server/chef-validator
Fetch chef SSL certificates
# knife ssl fetch -s https://chefserver.example.com
# ll /root/.chef/trusted_certs
# knife ssl check -s https://chefserver.example.com
# cd /etc/chef
create a file to validate with chef server
# vim client.rb
log_level :info
log_location STDOUT
chef_server_url "https://chefsever.example.com:443"
trusted_certs_dir "/root/.chef/trusted_certs"
Add node to server (node side)
# chef-client -S https://chefserver.example.com -K /etc/chef/chef-validator.pem
Verify client on workstation
# knife client list
# knife user list
Now open browser and type chef server url
login with default login credentials, then change password and verify node exists.
Go to workstation and create sample apache cookbook.
# knife cookbook create apache
# cd /var/chef/cookbooks/apache
# ll
Edit recipe default.rb and add
# vim recipes/default.rb
package 'httpd' do
action :install
cookbook_file '/var/www/html/index.html' do
source 'index.html'
template 'httpd.conf' do
path '/etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf'
source 'httpd.conf.erb'
service 'httpd' do
action [:restart, :enable]
# cd ../apache/files/default
# vim index.html
<title>Welcome to chef training by infostork </title>
<h1> Welcome to Chef </h1>
<h2> Using templates and attributes </h2>
Create template
# cd ../attributes/
# vim default.rb
default['apache']['Listen'] = '80'
# cd ../templates/default/
# cp /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf httpd.conf
# mv httpd.conf.erb
# vim httpd.conf.erb
Listen <%= node['apache']['Listen'] %>
Test cookbook
# knife cookbook test apache
Upload cookbook to chef server
# knife cookbook upload apache
Uploaded 1 cookbook
List cookbooks and verify
# knife cookbook list
apache 0.1.0
Upload cookbook to node's run-list
# knife node run_list add chefnode.example.com apache
also you can do it in GUI mode
Go to node tab, drag 'apache' cookbook recipe to run-list and save.
Apply the run-list to node (node-side)
# cat /etc/apache
now apply the run-list with
# chef-client
# cat /etc/apache
open browser and type node url
Welcome to chef
That's it run-list applied to node.
note: path to find cookbooks on chef server
# cd /var/opt/chef-server/bookshelf/data/bookshelf/
# grep -R -i "httpd.conf.erb" *
<path to recipe file>
# cat <path to recipe file>
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