Friday, December 12, 2014

How to Insall Mongo DB cluster Guide

1: Add the MongoDB Repository
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo

name=MongoDB Repository

Then exit and save the file with the command :wq

2: Install MongoDB
yum install mongo-10gen mongo-10gen-server

Config server
The config server processes are mongod instances that store the cluster’s metadata.

Replca Set
A MongoDB replica set is a cluster of mongod instances that replicate amongst one another and ensure automated failover.

mongos for “MongoDB Shard,” is a routing service for MongoDB shard configurations that processes queries from the application layer, and determines the location of this data in the sharded cluster, in order to complete these operations.


Server Setup
Add a new user
Create a new user named mongodb on each server, this user will be the one who starts the mongodb processes.

adduser mongodb
su - mongodb

Prepare directories:
We need to prepare all the data and log directories with proper privileges.

# Commands are using to setup the server.
# Creating a directory for data path.
sudo mkdir /var/lib/mongodb/dbs
sudo chown mongodb:mongodb -R /var/lib/mongodb/dbs
cd /etc/
sudo mkdir mongodb
sudo chown mongodb:mongodb -R /etc/mongodb
sudo cp mongodb.conf mongodb/
sudo mv mongodb.conf mongodb.conf.default
We did this on all the servers running mongodb cluster.

Configuration Servers:
Make a configuration file for mongodb’s config server.

cd /etc/mongodb/
vi config_db.conf
The configuration file of mongod running on config servers should have,

Last step, start the config server by

sudo mongod --configsvr --config /etc/mongodb/config_db.conf
And do the same thing on all 3 config servers of our own.

First we need to create a configuration file for mongos.

cd /etc/mongodb/
vi mongos.conf
The content in mongos configuration file is

fork = true
port = 27017
configdb =,, # Here you should put the domain name of your 3 configuration servers.
Now we start our mongos process.

mongos --config /etc/mongodb/mongos.conf

Replica Sets
First we need to create configuration files for our mongod.
We have 3 Replica Sets and each set has 3 mongod running, one of them is ”arbiter”, we create 3 

configuration files on each of our data server like.

cd /etc/mongodb/
touch set0_db.conf
touch set1_db.conf
touch set2_db.conf

The content inside should have

fork = true
port = 27017
dbpath=/var/lib/mongodb/dbs/set<index of this set>_db
logpath=/var/log/mongodb/set<index of this set>_db.log
logappend = true
journal = true
replSet = set<index of this set>
And as usual, we start the mongod process using command:

mongod --config set<index of this set>_db.conf
Last step, we need to initialize these 3 sets seperately.


rs.initiate({_id:'set0', members:[{_id: 0, host: ''}, {_id: 1, host: ''}]});


rs.initiate({_id:'set1', members:[{_id: 0, host: ''}, {_id: 1, host: ''}]});


rs.initiate({_id:'set2', members:[{_id: 0, host: ''}, {_id: 1, host: ''}]});

Add Shards:
Now we can connect to ‘mongos’ and add our 3 Replica Sets as 3 shards.

mongo --host <domain name of mongos> --port <port of mongos running>
connecting to: <domain name of mongos>/test
mongos> sh.addShard("set0/<primary of set0>:<port>");
{ "shardAdded" : "set0", "ok" : 1 }
mongos> sh.addShard("set1/<primary of set1>:<port>");
{ "shardAdded" : "set1", "ok" : 1 }
mongos> sh.addShard("set2/<primary of set2>:<port>");
{ "shardAdded" : "set2", "ok" : 1 }

Enable database sharding:
In order to make use of sharding in MongoDB, we need to manually choose the database and collections those
we want them to be sharded.
Take our system as an example.
First connect to mongos,

mongo --host <host> --port <port>
Then type the following commands in mongo shell.
Here we need to set the collection ‘students’ in database ‘test’ being able to be sharded.

use admin
sh.shardCollection("test.students", { "grades": 1 })
That’s it, we have successfully set up our MongoDB Sharding Cluster!

Verify Sharding:
Now you need to find out if your cluster is really working.
You can use the following code to verify the sharding we currently have.

mongo --host --port 27017
use admin
db.runCommand( { listshards : 1 } );
And you suppose to have the result below

 "shards" : [
   "_id" : "set0",
   "host" : "set0/,"
   "_id" : "set1",
   "host" : "set1/,"
   "_id" : "set2",
   "host" : "set2/,"
 "ok" : 1

Other Settings

Copy DB
Sometimes, like we encountered once, we need to change one of our config servers to another machine.
In this case, we need to do the following things.
  • Shutdown all processes (mongod, mongos, config server).
  • Copy the data subdirectories (dbpath tree) from the config server to the new config servers.
  • Start the config servers.
  • Restart mongos processes with the new –configdb parameter.
  • Restart mongod processes.
You can use this command to copy a database from another server.

mongo --port 27020
use config
db.copyDatabase("config", "config", "");

Since every day MongoDB generates a lot of logs, we need a way to compress them and delete them after a period of time.
So we can created 2 crontab jobs to achieve this goal.
This script runs daily at 0:05AM to collect the old logs and compress them.

#! /bin/sh
killall -SIGUSR1 mongod
killall -SIGUSR1 mongos # This line only applicable on swordfish
find /var/log/mongodb -type f \( -iname "*.log.*" ! -iname "*.gz" \) -exec gzip -f {} \;
This script runs every first day of a month, this will remove all the compressed logs from last month.

#! /bin/sh
find /var/log/mongodb -type f -name "*.gz" -exec rm -f {} \;
We also need to add crontab for these two shell commands.

crontab -e

0  0 * * * /path/to/your/
0 10 1 * * /path/to/your/

Deploy MMS Agent
We are now using 10gen’s MMS as our monitoring system. In order to use this, we need to let their agent running
on our mongos server.
Here is how we set it up.
First download the agent from your hosts dashboard.

# prereqs
sudo apt-get install python python-setuptools
sudo easy_install pip
sudo pip install pymongo

#set up agent
cd /path/to/your/dir
mkdir mms-agent
unzip -d mms-agent
cd mms-agent
nohup python > logs/agent.log 2>&1 &
And we finished!
The agent will auto discover other servers in you cluster, although it still needs some manually work for you to do in the dashboard, but it is really helpful for us to monitor the whole system in real time.

How to install Zabbix on Centos. IT Infrastructure Availability and performance Monitoring Tool

1. Installing Zabbix daemons
1 Download the source archive
$ tar -zxvf zabbix-2.4.2.tar.gz

2 Create user account
groupadd zabbix   
useradd -g zabbix zabbix

3 Create Zabbix database
Database creation scripts
shell> mysql -u<username> -p<password>
mysql> create database zabbix character set utf8 collate utf8_bin;
mysql> quit;
shell> mysql -u<username> -p<password> zabbix < database/mysql/schema.sql
# stop here if you are creating database for Zabbix proxy
shell> mysql -u<username> -p<password> zabbix < database/mysql/images.sql
shell> mysql -u<username> -p<password> zabbix < database/mysql/data.sql

4 Configure the sources
yum install net-snmp
yum install php-common php-mbstring php-bcmath

Step 2
Make sure that all software prerequisites are met.
cd zabbix-2.4.2
./configure --enable-server --enable-agent --with-mysql --enable-ipv6 --with-net-snmp --with-libcurl --with-libxml2

5 Make and install everything
make install

note: error: 'XML_PARSE_HUGE' undeclared (first use in this function) zabbix upgrade
vi /usr/include/libxml2/libxml/parser.h
 typedef enum {
     XML_PARSE_HUGE = 1 << 19, / * relax any hardcoded limit from the parser * /
 } XmlParserOption;
save and type
make install

6 Review and edit configuration files
edit the Zabbix agent configuration file /usr/local/etc/zabbix_agentd.conf
edit the Zabbix server configuration file /usr/local/etc/zabbix_server.conf

if you have installed a Zabbix proxy, edit the proxy configuration file

vi /usr/local/etc/zabbix_server.conf

7 Start up the daemonsshell> zabbix_server
shell> zabbix_agentd

To start/stop daemons copy scripts from
/zabbix-2.4.2/misc/init.d/fedora/core to /etc/init.d/

2. Installing Zabbix web interface
Copying PHP files
Common locations of HTML documents directories for Apache web servers include:
/var/www/html (Fedora, RHEL, CentOS)

mkdir <htdocs>/zabbix
cd frontends/php
cp php <htdocs>/zabbix

chmod -R 777 /var/www/html/zabbix

Installing frontend
Step 1
In your browser, open Zabbix URL: http://<server_ip_or_name>/zabbix
You should see the first screen of the frontend installation wizard.

After completing all the steps: you will see Zabbix “Welcome” screen. Enter the user name Admin with password zabbix to log in as a Zabbix superuser.

Install Windows Agent:

Create zabbix agent configuration file c:\zabbix_agentd.conf.
sample file available at\conf\

Now edit configuration and update following values.

Lets install zabbix agent as windows server by executing following command from command line:
c:\\bin\win64> zabbix_agentd.exe --install

Use following command to start zabbix agent service from command line
c:\\bin\win64> zabbix_agentd.exe --start

Open run windows >> type “services.msc” >> press enter
start zabbix service.

Install Zabbix-Agent from source on the Linux server that you want to monitor.
download zabbix source package
tar -xzf zabbix-2.0.2.tar.gz
./configure --enable-agent
make install
adduser zabbix

Copy the sample configs to /usr/local/etc for the agentd.
[root@mail zabbix-2.0.2]# cp conf/zabbix_agentd.conf /usr/local/etc

Now go to /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf, and edit (at least):
ServerActive= [Example IP address of the Zabbix Server]
Hostname=Mail_Server [Exactly the same name as our zabbix host name – See #1 above.

NOTE:This name is case sensitive!]
ListenIP= [Example

Next, configure /etc/init.d/
cp misc/init.d/debian/zabbix-agent /etc/init.d/zabbix-agent

Install Zabbix Agent on CentOS/RHEL

Step 1: Add Required Repository
CentOS/RHEL 6:
# rpm -Uvh

CentOS/RHEL 5:
# rpm -Uvh

Step 2: Install Zabbix Agent
yum install zabbix zabbix-agent

Step 3: Update Zabbix Agent Configuration
Edit zabbix agent configuration file /etc/zabbix/zabbix_agentd.conf and update

Zabbix server ip
#Server=[zabbix server ip]
#Hostname=[ Hostname of client system ]


Step 4: Start/Stop Zabbix Agent
# /etc/init.d/zabbix-agent start
# /etc/init.d/zabbix-agent stop

Screen shots:

Monday, November 24, 2014

How to Install MongoDB on CentOS 6 x86_64

Step #1: Add the MongoDB Repository
vi /etc/yum.repos.d/mongodb.repo
name=MongoDB Repository

Then exit and save the file with the command :wq

Step #2: Install MongoDB
yum install mongo-10gen mongo-10gen-server

Dependencies Resolved
 Package                   Arch          Version           Repository      Size
 mongodb-org               x86_64        2.6.5-1           mongodb        4.6 k
 mongodb-org-server        x86_64        2.6.5-1           mongodb        9.0 M
Installing for dependencies:
 mongodb-org-mongos        x86_64        2.6.5-1           mongodb        6.8 M
 mongodb-org-shell         x86_64        2.6.5-1           mongodb        4.3 M
 mongodb-org-tools         x86_64        2.6.5-1           mongodb         89 M

Transaction Summary
Install       5 Package(s)

Total download size: 109 M
Installed size: 276 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y

MongoDb configuration file path:

Step #3: Get MongoDB Running
service mongod start

Check MongoDB Service Status
service mongod status

Summary List of Status Statistics

Enter the MongoDB Command Line

By default, running this command will look for a MongoDB server listening on port 27017 on the localhost

If you’d like to connect to a MongoDB server running on a different port, then use the –port option. For example,

if you wanted to connect to a local MongoDB server listening on port 22222, then you’d issue the following

mongo --port 22222

To Shutdown MongoDB:
service mongod stop

MondoDB Usage:


Select a Database

list of databases:
>show dbs

create a new database with name mydb:
>use mydb

confirm the db is created:

Your created database (mydb) is not present in list. To display database you need to insert atleast one document into it.

>{"name":"linux space station"})

> show dbs

To delete database:
>use test

This will delete the selected database. If you have not selected any database, then it will delete default 'test'

>show dbs

How To Install Audio Streaming Server With Icecast 2.x On CentOS 6.4 x86_64 Linux

This tutorial explains creating your own streaming audio server with Icecast (OGG/MP3). Icecast was designed to stream any audio file if a appropiate streaming client is available. For OGG/Vorbis you can use ices and for MP3 icegenerator. Here is a small tutorial how to set up Icecast for streaming OGG/Vorbis and MP3.

This article contains following topics:
Setting up the server: Icecast
Setting up the OGG/Vorbis streaming client: ices
Setting up the MP3 streaming client: icegenerator

Setting up the server: Icecast

First get the software:
# yum groupinstall "Development Tools"
# yum install -y curl-devel libtheora-devel libvorbis-devel libxslt-devel speex-devel libxslt
# rpm --import
# cd /home
# wget
# mkdir -p /usr/src/icecast
# cd /usr/src/icecast
# wget

Next extract the sources and change into the new driectory:

# tar xf icecast-2.3.3.tar.gz
# cd icecast-2.3.3

Then configure the sources:

# ./configure --prefix=/opt/icecast/2.3.3

And finally compile the sources and install the binaries:

# make
# make install

You should have now the icecast binary under /opt/icecast/2.3.3/latest/bin:

# ls /opt/icecast/2.3.3/bin/


Now go into the icecast directory and link the 2.3.3 directory to latest:

# cd /opt/icecast
# ln -s 2.3.3 latest

Now configure icecast by editing the icecast.xml file. First move the orignal sample file to an alternate place:

# cd /opt/icecast/latest/etc
# mv icecast.xml icecast.xml.orig
# vi icecast.xml

     <!-- LIMITS -->
     <!-- GENRIC -->
     <!-- PATHES -->
       <alias source="/" dest="/status.xsl"/>
     <!-- LOG -->
     <!-- SECURITY -->

The above icecast.xml is very simple. The first section LIMITS defines how many radio stations you maximum want to provide (sources=10), how many clients may connect (clients=100) etc.

The second section GENERIC defines a username, hostname MyHost/IP), port (8000) for the server itself etc.

The section PATHES defines the pathes to the webgui.

Icecast has a small and simple webgui to see what is going on and this section defines where to find the web documents.

The LOGGING section is of course for logging, where and what to log etc.

The SECURITY section defines that the Icecast software itself should run under the user icecast and the group icecast.

Now we need three more things to do: create a user and a group called icecast as defined in the icecast.xml configuration file, create the place for the logs and a place for the pid file.

First create the icecast user with the ID 200 and the group icecast with the ID 200:

# groupadd -g 200 icecast
# useradd -d /var/log/icecast -m -g icecast -s /bin/bash -u 200 icecast

With the -m option set the directory for the logs was automatically created and the second step can be spared. Only the directory for the pid file is now needed:

# mkdir -p /var/run/icecast
# chown -R icecast:icecast /var/run/icecast

Now give it a try and start the icecast server:

# /opt/icecast/latest/bin/icecast -c /opt/icecast/latest/etc/icecast.xml -b

Starting icecast2
Detaching from the console
Changed groupid to 200.
Changed userid to 200.

Your server is now running as your icecast user and logs will be produced under /var/log/icecast:

# ls /var/log/icecast/

access.log  error.log  playlist.log

Check that it is really running:

# pgrep -fl icecast

4434 /opt/icecast/latest/bin/icecast -c /opt/icecast/latest/etc/icecast.xml -b

Also the icecast server should be reachable via webgui under your given hostname and port, EG http://MyHost/IP:8000/, when you have setup one or more stations they will show up here. The user for the administrative webgui is defined in the icecast.xml file above - icecast. The password in this case is password.

Setting up the OGG/Vorbis streaming client: ices

Before you can compile ices you need the libshout library. First download it:

# cd /usr/src/icecast
# wget

Then extract the tar file and change into the new directory:

# tar xf libshout-2.3.1.tar.gz
# cd libshout-2.3.1

Run the configure script:

# ./configure --prefix=/opt/icecast/latest

And compile the sources and install the library:

# make
# make install

Now download the ices client:

# cd /usr/src/icecast
# wget

Extract the tar file and change into the new directory:

# tar xf ices-2.0.2.tar.bz2
# cd ices-2.0.2/

Before you run the configure script, export the PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable so ices will be able to include the libshout library:

# export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=/opt/icecast/latest/lib/pkgconfig:$PKG_CONFIG_PATH
# ./configure --prefix=/opt/icecast/latest

Now compile the sources and install the binaries:

# make
# make install

Check that the ices client is available:

# ls /opt/icecast/latest/bin/

icecast*  ices*

Finally configure the ices client and create your first OGG/Vorbis radio station:

# cd /opt/icecast/latest/etc/
# vi ices1.xml

     <!-- GENERIC -->
     <!-- LOGGING -->
     <!-- STREAM -->
         <name>RadioStation 1: OGG</name>
         <description>Test Radio 1</description>
         <param name="type">basic</param>
         <param name="file">/opt/icecast/latest/etc/playlist1.txt</param>
         <param name="random">1</param>
         <param name="once">0</param>
         <param name="restart-after-reread">1</param>

The ices configuration file is as easy as the icecast configuration file. The section GENERIC defines to run ices in background and where the pid file can be found.

The section LOGGING is all about logging, where and what to log. The STREAM section needs a little more attention. It defines the radio station itself like the name of the station, where the icecast server can be reached etc.

The password is the source password from the icecast configuration file. If you don't set a password here everybody can connect to your icecast server and create a station.

One more thing: the playlist. The playlist is a plain text file and contains all your songs you want to play.

Every OGG/Vorbis file inside this file must have the full path, eg:

# cd /opt/icecast/latest/etc/
# vi playlist1.txt


You can create this list easily with find:

# find /music/artist/album/ -name "*.ogg" > /opt/icecast/latest/etc/playlist1.txt

With the ices configuration file and the playlist created, start up ices as user icecast:

# su - icecast -c "/opt/icecast/latest/bin/ices /opt/icecast/latest/etc/ices1.xml"

Now take a look into the log file:

# cat /var/log/icecast/ices1.log

[2011-12-16  12:17:05] INFO signals/signal_usr1_handler Metadata update requested
[2011-12-16  12:17:05] INFO playlist-basic/playlist_basic_get_next_filename Loading playlist from file "/opt/icecast/latest/etc/playlist1.txt"
[2011-12-16  12:17:05] INFO playlist-builtin/playlist_read Currently playing "/music/artist/album/song2.ogg"
[2011-12-16  12:17:05] INFO stream/ices_instance_stream Connected to server: MyHost/IP:8000/radiostation1

As you can see the first radio station is ready and available under http://MyHost/IP:8000/radiostation1

Now try to connect to your streaming server with an audio client and enjoy listening to your radio.

For each radio station you want to provide you need to create a single ices configuration file with it's own playlist etc. Eg. you can create a seperate radio station for your Rock music and a seperate radio station for your Pop music.

Setting up the MP3 streaming client: icegenerator

To stream MP3 files you need a streaming client like icegenerator. Before you can compile icegenerator you have to install libshout first.

# cd /usr/src/icecast
# wget

Then extract the tar file and change into the new directory:

# tar xf libshout-2.3.1.tar.gz
# cd libshout-2.3.1

Run the configure script:

# ./configure --prefix=/opt/icecast/latest

And compile the sources and install the library:

# make
# make install

To compile icegenerator download the source package from and store it in your src directory. Then go into the src directory and extract the source:

# cd /usr/src/icecast
# wget
# tar xfz icegenerator-0.5.5-pre2.tar.gz
# cd icegenerator-0.5.5-pre2

Now run the configure script (the --prefix option will be ignored, just run the configure script without the --prefix option):

# ./configure

And compile the sources and install the binaries:

# make
# make install

Check that icegenerator is available:

# ls -lah /usr/local/bin/ice*

-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 55K 2011-12-16 12:41 /usr/local/bin/icegenerator*

Now configure icegenerator and create your first MP3 radio station:

# cd /usr/local/etc
# vi icegen1.cfg

NAME=RadioStation 2: MP3

The configuration file is a bit more complicated than the ices configuration file.At first you to define the IP and port for your Icecast server.The SERVER option is for the icy or http protocol, here it is http. MOUNT and PASSWORD are same as the OGG/Vorbis station, where to reach the station itself (http://MyHost/IP:8000/radiostation2) and how to authenticate.The FORMAT option is for either streaming MP3 (1) or OGG/Vorbis (0). LOOP and SHUFFLE for looping the playlist and randomized plaing. NAME, DESCRIPTION and GENRE will describe your radio.MP3PATH defines which files to stream, in this case all from a m3u compatible playlist (created later).URL tells where to reach the streaming server or any other address. This address will maybe displayed by your player. Specifiy LOG and LOGPATH for logging.The BITRATE defines the streaming quality..

# vi /usr/local/etc/playlist2.m3u


# find /music/artist/album/ -name "*.mp3" > /usr/local/etc/playlist2.m3u

# su - icecast -c "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/icecast/latest/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /usr/local/bin/icegenerator -f /usr/local/etc/icegen1.cfg"

# pgrep -fl icegen

31255 icegenerator -f /usr/local/etc/icegen1.cfg

# cat /var/log/icecast/icegen1.log

Fri Dec 16 13:44:38 2011: Connected to stream serverFri Dec 16 13:44:38 2011: Now playing song1.mp3Fri Dec 16 13:48:41 2011: Wait for all child process to terminate......

As you can see the second radio station is ready and available under http://MyHost/IP:8000/radiostation2

Now try to connect to your streaming server with an audio client and enjoy listening to your radio.


How to starts icecast when system power up, and how to start icegen (for mp3 stream) too.

It's simple and usefull. So let's go.

 1) Create a init script:
nano /etc/init.d/icecast

2) Paste the code:
    #! /bin/sh
    # icecast       This is the init script for starting up the Icecast 2
    #               server. Written by Gabor Horvath <>
    # Source function library
    . /etc/rc.d/init.d/functions
    # Daemon
    # Defaults
    # Variables
    start() {
        # Start daemon
        echo -n $"Starting $NAME service: "
        if [ ! -x $DAEMON ]
            echo -n "$DAEMON is not a valid executable, or missing."
        if [ ! -f $CONFIGFILE ]
            echo -n "$CONFIGFILE could not be found."
        if [ -f $LOCKFILE ]
            echo -n "$NAME service is already running."
        su -l $USERID -c "$DAEMON -c $CONFIGFILE -b" >> $STARTUPLOG 2>&1 < /dev/null
 sleep 3
 su - icecast -c "export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/icecast/latest/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH; /usr/local/bin/icegenerator -f /usr/local/etc/icegen1.cfg"
        if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]
            touch $LOCKFILE
            [ ! -f $PIDLIFE] && pidof $NAME > $PIDFILE
    stop() {
        echo -n $"Stopping $NAME service: "
        if [ -f $LOCKFILE ]
            killproc $NAME
     killproc icegenerator
            if [ $RETVAL -eq 0 ]
                rm -f $LOCKFILE
                rm -f $PIDFILE
    #    else
    #        success
    restart() {
        sleep 1

    reload() {
 echo "Updating Mp3 Playlist..."
        sleep 1
 find $MP3DIR -name "*.mp3" > /usr/local/etc/playlist2.m3u
        sleep 1
 echo "Playlist updated!"
    # Check if the daemon is enabled
    if [ "$ENABLE" != "true" ]
        echo "$NAME daemon disabled"
        exit 0
    #set -e
    case "$1" in
            status $NAME

            echo "Usage: $0 {start|stop|restart|status|reload}"
            exit 1
    exit $RESULT

3) Set permission to init.d icecast file:
chmod +x /etc/init.d/icecast

4) Set permission to root (or another user - change the root) to use the command:
gpasswd -a root icecast

5) Check icecast status:
service icecast status

PS: This check only icecast, not icegen. But if you use start, stop or restart the command will works with icegen too.


Check icecast is running:
service icecast status

Start icecast and icegenerator:
service icecast start

Stop icecast and icegenerator:
service icecast stop

Restart icecast and icegenerator:
service icecast restart

That's it !